Thursday, October 25, 2007


For assignment seven I chose to write about grade-five abstract art.
Check out my WebQuest at

Friday, October 5, 2007

Concept Mapping

I would integrate this concept map into my classroom for grade-three science during the unit on hearing and sound. This map can be and example of what I want the students to create on there own or it can be a way of showing how sound can be categorized in various groups. I included some recorded sounds but with this image saved as a gif. the sounds won't be available within my blog. However, I could also put this concept map on a smart board with all the images mixed up and get the students to organize the map for me. Within that program I am sure there is a way to get the recorded sounds to work, therefore showing the students different audible examples. This map can also include many ICT outcomes, specifically “C4- organizational processes and P2-Students will organize and manipulate data.”

I was unfamiliar with this style of technology and therefore I was a little more skeptical about how it can be integrated effectively into the classroom. However, there are so many images and words that are available within the inspiration software; I can see now how this technology can be beneficial and a real asset to classroom learning.